

单词 Squatting
释义 僭佔
Taking up occupation of an otherwise unoccupied house or land without the consent of the rightful owner and without paying rent or other consideration. In relation to unleased Government land, activities on the same are regulated by Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28). Unleased Government land can only be occupied legally by licence or deed appropriating the land to the use of the occupier: Fung Siu Kam v Lo Shun Cheung [1984] HKC 107; R v Yip Kin Kwok [1990] 1 HKC 362. See also Government land; Squatter.
在沒有合法擁有人的同意、及在沒有繳付租金或其他代價的情況下,佔有在其他情況下無人佔用的房屋或土地。《土地(雜項條文)條例》(第28章)規管有關未批租政府土地和活動。僅可藉牌照或契據合法地佔有未批租政府土地,即將有關土地撥歸佔用人使用:Fung Siu Kam v Lo Shun Cheung [1984] HKC 107; R v Yip Kin Kwok [1990] 1 HKC 362。 另見 Government land; Squatter。n.




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