

单词 Involvement in management
释义 牽涉公司的管理
In relation to corporations, being concerned in the running of a company. A person is involved in the management of a company if he is a director of the company or if he is concerned, whether directly or indirectly, or takes part, in the management of the company: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 168O(4). If, at any time, a person is involved in the management of a company in contravention of a disqualification order or while he is an undischarged bankrupt, he is personally responsible for all the debts and liabilities of the company as are incurred at a time when that person was involved in the management of the company: s 168O(1)(a), (3)(a). See also Director; Insolvent; Promoter.
就法團而言,指有關經營任何公司的事宜。任何人如是某間公司的董事,或如直接或間接關涉該公司的管理,或如參與該公司的管理,該人即牽涉於該公司的管理:《公司條例》(第32章)第168O(4)條。在任何時候,如任何人違反一項取消資格令而牽涉於公司的管理,或如他是未獲解除破產的破產人,該人須個人承擔該公司在該人牽涉於該公司的管理時所招致的債項或其他債務:第168O(1)(a)及(3)(a)條。另見 Director; Insolvent; Promoter。




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