

单词 Patent office
释义 專利當局
An office where a patent application is filed, examined, granted or refused. In Hong Kong, the patent office is the Patents Registry of the Intellectual Property Department. An applicant for a standard patent must first file a patent application for that invention at a designated patent office: Patents Ordinance (Cap 514) s 11. The Chief Executive in Council may by notice published in the Gazette designate a patent office: s 8. The patent offices designated are: State Intellectual Property Office in the People’s Republic of China, European Patent Office, in respect of patents granted under the European Patent Convention designating the United Kingdom, and United Kingdom Patent Office: Patents (Designation of Patent Offices) Notice (Cap 514A) s 3.
負責處理專利申請的提交、審理、授予或拒絕的專利當局。 香港的專利當局是知識產權署的專利註冊處。申請人須就其發明在指定的專利當局首先提出其標準專利申請:《專利條例》(第514章) 第11條。行政長官會同行政會議可藉在憲報刊登的公告指定任何專利當局:第 8條。指定的專利當局包括:中華人民共和國國家知識產權局、歐洲專利局(就根據《歐洲專利公約》而批予並指定聯合王國的專利而言)、以及聯合王國專利局:《專利(專利當局的指定)公告》(第514A章)第3條。




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