

单词 Articles of Association
释义 組織章程細則
The rules adopted by a company on incorporation that govern the internal affairs of a company: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 9. The articles of association set out items such as the relationship between the shareholders and the directors; methods of appointment of directors; procedures for allotment and transfer of shares; declaration of dividends; and the rights and obligations of the company members. Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) sch 1 table A supplies a set of model articles that may be adopted for a company limited by shares. The regulations set out in Table A, except so far as they are excluded or modified by the company’s own articles, operate as though they were part of the company’s articles: s 11. A company limited by guarantee, by shares and guarantee or an unlimited company must adopted its own articles which must be provided at the time of registration: s 10. A copy of the articles must be lodged with the Registrar of Companies. See also Memorandum of association; Table A articles.
新成立公司所採納的規則,作管治公司內務:《公司條例》(第32章)第9條。組織章程細則列出股東與董事之間的關係、董事的委任方式、股份分配及轉讓的程序、股息宣佈、公司會員的權益及義務等各項。註冊的股份有限公司可以採納列載於《公司條例》附表一A表中的章程細則範本。除非公司所註冊的章程細則有個別的刪除或變更,列載於A表的規則將適用於該公司,猶如是載於妥為註冊的章程細則一樣:第11條。如屬擔保有限公司、股份暨擔保有限公司或無限公司任何一類,該公司必須制定個別的章程細則,並在註冊時一併提交:第10條。公司必須交付一份章程細則副本給公司註冊處處長。另見 Memorandum of association; Table A articles。




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