

单词 Family Tong
释义 堂族
In Chinese customary law, a lineage trust whereby land is held in common ownership for the benefit of the whole lineage. It might provide help to members by assisting them with education, health and general welfare, thus it has wide responsibilities and great need of funds: Tang Yau Yi Tong and another v Tang Mou Shau Tso & Ors [1995] HKLY 788 (HC).
在中國習慣法下,指為整體家族的利益以共同擁有權的形式持有土地的家族信託。可藉教育、健康及一般的福利向成員提供協助,因而有廣泛的責任及非常須要基金:Tang Yau Yi Tong and another v Tang Mou Shau Tso & Ors [1995] HKLY 788 (高等法院)。




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