

单词 Aggravated assault
释义 嚴重侵犯
An assault of a more serious nature than a common assault because of an aggravating circumstance, such as an assault accompanied by an intention of a particular kind or performed in a particular manner, an assault committed upon particular classes of persons, or an assault resulting in harm of a particular kind. These circumstances include that the person assaulted is a police officer in the execution of his or her duty, that the assault occasions harm, and that the assault was with intent to rob: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 10(2). An assault accompanied by such factors renders the offender liable to greater punishment than if the assault had been committed without the existence of that circumstance, provided that the circumstance is part of the charge: for example R v So Kan Ming (HCMA 201/96, unreported). See also Aggravating circumstance; Assault; Common assault.
因有加重情況,侵犯的性質較普通襲擊為嚴重,例如附有某種意圖、或以某種方式進行襲擊、對某幾類人進行襲擊、或導致某類人受傷,情況包括襲擊執行職務的警務人員、襲擊引致他人受傷,或意圖搶劫而襲擊他人:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章) 第10(2)條。襲擊罪附有該等因素,只要該等因素是控罪的一部分,違法者可被處比該等因素未有存在的襲擊罪更重的刑罰:例如R v So Kan Ming(高院裁判法院訴訟1996年第201號,未經彙報)。另見 Aggravating circumstance; Assault; Common assault。




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