

单词 Agency by estoppel
释义 藉不容反悔訂立的代理
Where the principal has made a representation to the third party that someone is his agent, with the intention and with the result of inducing the third party on the faith of such representation to alter his position to his detriment, the principal is estopped as against the representee from denying the agency. The basic requirements for agency by estoppel are: a representation, a reliance on the representation, and an alternation of representee’s position resulting from such reliance. Rama Corp Ltd v Proved Tin & General Investments Ltd [1952] 1 All ER 554, 2 QB 147. The doctrine applies whether or not there is a pre-existing agency relationship. See also Actual authority; Agency; Agent; Apparent authority; Estoppel; Principal; Third party.
當委託人向第三者作出陳述,指出某人是其代理人,意圖並因此誘使該第三者因相信該陳述而以對自己不利的方式改變其處境,則該委託人可針對該受陳述者而不准否認該代理關係。藉不容反悔訂立的代理的基本要求包括:陳述、依據該陳述,及受陳述者因依據該陳述而改變其處境:Rama Corp Ltd v Proved Tin & General Investments Ltd [1952] 1 All ER 554, 2 QB 147。在有或未有先存在的代理關係的情況下,該原則均適用。另見 Actual authority; Agency; Agent; Apparent authority; Estoppel; Principal; Third party。




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