

单词 Aggravating circumstance
释义 加重情況
In criminal law, a circumstance surrounding the commission of an offence that renders an offence more serious and therefore, subjects an accused to a greater penalty than for the same offence without aggravation. It may include an offender being in possession of a weapon: Mo Kwong Sang v R [1981] HKLR 610 (CA), being in breach of trust: R v Ying Lai Chau [1991] 1 HKLR 48 (CA) or acting with a particular intention. It may relate to the victim; for example, where the victim is under a certain age, or is a tourist: HKSAR v Chan Mo Kong [1998] 1 HKLRD 678 (CFI). An aggravating circumstance should normally be specified in the charge: R v Courtie [1984] 1 AC 463, 1 All ER 740, 78 Cr App Rep 292 (HL). An aggravating circumstance cannot be taken into account if it amounts to a more serious offence than that charge: R v Bright [1916] KB 441 (CCA); R v Foo [1976] Crim LR 456. Enhanced sentence may be imposed for an organised crime: Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance (Cap 455) s 27; HKSAR v Cheung Wai Man & Ors [1998] 4 HKC 284 (CA); HKSAR v Tam Wai Pio [1998] 4 HKC 291 (CA). See also Aggravated assault; Aggravated burglary; Aggravation.
在刑事法,觸犯罪行所處於的情況,使罪行更嚴重因而使被控人可判處比未有該等加重情況存在的罪行更重的刑罰。加重情況可包括藏有武器:Mo Kwong Sang v R [1981] HKLR 610(上訴法院)、違反信託:R v Ying Lai Chau [1991] 1 HKLR 48(上訴法院),或以某種意圖的作為。可與受害人有關,例如該受害人不足某歲數或是名遊客:HKSAR v Chan Mo Kong [1998] 1 HKLRD 678 (高等法院原訴庭)。加重情況通常在控罪中註明:R v Courtie [1984] 1 AC 463, 1 All ER 740, 78 Cr App Rep 292(上議院)。若加重情況構成比控罪更嚴重的罪行,則不可將其列為考慮因素:R v Bright [1916] KB 441(英國刑事上訴法院); R v Foo [1976] Crim LR 456。有組織罪行可判以重刑:《有組織及嚴重罪行條例》(第455章)第27條;HKSAR v Cheung Wai Man & Ors [1998] 4 HKC 284(上訴法院);HKSAR v Tam Wai Pio [1998] 4 HKC 291(上訴法院)。另見 Aggravated assault; Aggravated burglary; Aggravation。




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