

单词 Browne v Dunn, rule in
释义 Browne訴Dunn之原則
The rule that during cross-examination, counsel is obliged when cross-examining to provide the witness with the opportunity to deny the evidence of counsel’s own witnesses. A failure to cross-examine a witness on the evidence of that witness may be taken as an admission of the truth of that evidence: Browne v Dunn (1894) 6 R 67; R v Hart (1932) 23 Cr App R 202 (CA). If it has been made plain in some other manner that the testimony of a witness who it is suggested should be disbelieved is challenged, it is not necessary to put questions in cross-examination: R v Ho Shu Chung [1990] 1 HKLR 180 (CA); R v Wong Hing Tong (CACC 45/93, unreported) See also Cross-examination.
在此原則下,大律師在盤問期間須給予對方證人否認大律師己方證人證據的機會。如未能就該證人的證據盤問證人,則可視為承認該證供的真實性:Browne v Bunn (1894) 6 R 67;R v Hart (1932) 23 Cr App R 202 (英國上訴法庭)。假如以其他方式清晰顯示應被懷疑的證人的證供受到質疑,則無需在盤問中提問:R v Ho Shu Chung [1990] 1 HKLR 180(上訴法庭);R v Wong Hing Tong (刑事上訴1993年第45號,未經彙報)。另見 Cross-examination。




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