

单词 Judicial intervention
释义 司法干預
1. In administrative law, a judicial review of administrative decisions, for example, a misconception as to the interpretation of statute where there is a failure of non-judicial bodies to resolve some question in dispute: Edwards v Bairstow [1956] AC 14, [1955] 3 All ER 48, 3 WLR 410 (HL). 2. An attempt by a court to intervene in the legislative process so as to challenge the efficacy or validity of a Bill, or a purported legislation, on the ground that the legislature is failing, or has failed, to observe its own legislative procedures or alternatively that the enactment of such particular Bill is ulta vires. However the court will not issue an injunction in preventing the legislature from debating a Bill: Rediffusion (HK) Ltd v A-G of HK [1970] HKLR 231, 2 WLR 1264 (PC). For the post-colonial position, the court has a new constitutional supervisory jurisdiction to examine whether the alleged provisions are consistent with Basic Law, if found to be inconsistent, the provisions will be declared to be void.: Basic Law art 160; Ng Ka Ling & Ors v Director of Immigration [1999] 1 HKLRD 315 (CFA).
1. 行政法中,指就行政決定作出的司法覆核,例如非司法團體對法規的釋義存有誤解,以致不能解決某些爭議:Edwards v Bairstow [1955] 3 All ER 48, 3 WLR 410, [1956] AC 14 (上議院)。  2. 法院意圖干預立法程序,以法院正或已沒有遵守其立法程序或制定該草案屬越權為理由,質疑某條例草案或本意法例的效能或效力。但法院不會發出阻止立法機關辯論該條例草案的禁制令:Rediffusion (HK) Ltd v A-G of HK [1970] HKLR 231, 2 WLR 1264 (樞密院)。在後殖民時代,法院有新的憲法上的監管性司法管轄權,查證指稱的條文是否符合《基本法》;如屬不相符,法院會宣布該等條文無效:《基本法》第160條;Ng Ka Ling & Ors v Director of Immigration [1999] 1 HKLRD 315(終審法院)。




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