

单词 Unsafe port
释义 不安全的港口
A port that cannot be reached without exposure to danger that cannot be avoided by good navigation and seamanship: Leeds Shipping Co v Societe Francoise Bunge (The Eastern City) [1958] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 127. A port is not unsafe because the ship must necessarily take the ground at certain states of the tide, although, if the contract provides that the ship is to lie always afloat, the shipowner may refuse to proceed to such a port: The Alhambra (1881) 6 PD 68, 4 Asp MLC 410 (CA). The charterer is in breach of the safe port warranty by nominating a ship to proceed to a port which is prospectively unsafe: The Evia (No 2) [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 307 (HL). Where a prospectively safe port becomes unsafe after nomination, the charterer is under an obligation to cancel the order or to instruct the ship to leave the unsafe port whenever possible to avoid the danger: The Lucille [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 387; [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 244 (CA). The shipowner or master may refuse an order to sail the ship to an unsafe port, because the order is a tender of performance that does not conform to the terms of the contract. But if, with knowledge of the facts giving rise to his right to reject, the shipowner nevertheless unequivocally elects not to refuse the order, his election will be final and binding upon him and he will have waived his right to reject the tender as uncontractual. Unless the shipowners have also waived their right to recover damages, they are still entitled to claim damages from the charterers for breach of contract: The Kanchenjunga [1990] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 391 (HL). In some charterparties, the charterers are required only to exercise due diligence to ensure that the vessel is employed between and at safe ports: for example Shelltime 3 (1984) cl 3. See also Port; Safe port.
需承擔風險方可到達的港口,而該風險是良好的航海術及熟練的海員技術均不能避免的:Leeds Shipping Co v Societe Francoise Bunge (The Eastern City) [1958] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 127。某港口不屬不安全,因為船舶於潮汐若干狀況時必需要泊岸,雖然如果合約規定該船舶須經常處於飄浮的狀態,但船主可拒絕前往此等港口:The Alhambra (1881) 6 PD 68, 4 Asp MLC 410(英國上訴法庭)。船舶承租人指定某船舶前往某個預期會不安全的港口,則屬違反安全港口的保證條款:The Evia (No 2) [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 307(上議院)。凡某個預期會安全的港口於指定後變成不安全,則船舶承租人有法律責任取消命令或指示船舶一有可能就離開該不安全的港口,以免有危險:The Lucille [1983] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 387; [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 244(英國上訴法庭)。船主或船長可拒絕將船舶航行到不安全的港口的命令,因為該命令屬作出與合約條款不相符的履行。但若該船主知悉任何產生拒絕航行的權利的事實,則他仍然毫不含糊地選擇不拒絕該命令,則其選擇將屬最終選擇及對他具約束力,及他將放棄其權利,不得拒絕該履行屬非合約性。除非船主亦放棄追討損失賠償的權利,否則該船主仍有權就船舶承租人違約而申索損失賠償:The Kanchenjunga [1990] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 391(上議院)。於某些租船合約中,船舶承租人只須行使應盡的努力,以確保船隻於安全港口及於安全港口之間受租用:例如,Shelltime 3 (1984) cl 3。另見 Port; Safe port。




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