

单词 Administrative law
释义 行政法
The legal principles governing the relationship between the government and the governed. The exercise of power by administrators, including the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Chief Executive, the Secretaries of the Bureaux, departmental officers, tribunals, boards, and commissions must be based on legal authority. The source of that legal authority may be statute or the common law. The said legal principles also govern the relationship between those who made decisions in pursuance of a public function and those who are subject to the decisions so made. Such decision-makers include public bodies established by statute, corporations or unincorporated associations discharging powers conferred by statute, and bodies or organisations regulating a profession, trade, sport, or activity in the public interest. See also Judicial review; Procedural fairness.
適用於管治者與受管治者兩者之間關係的法律原則。行政當局,包括香港特別行政區政府、特區首長、各局的局長、部門職員、審裁處、委員會等,必須根據法律賦予的權力去行使其權力,其法律權力可源自成文法或普通法。上述法律原則亦適用於根據某一公共職能作決定者與受到有關決定影響者之間的關係。這些作決定者,包括根據法例而成立的公共機構,履行法行所賦予權力的法團或非法團組織,管制某一專業、行業、體育活動或其他涉及公共利益活動的機構或組織。另見 Judicial review; Procedural fairness。




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