

单词 Corruption of a juror
释义 陪審員的貪污行為
An offer or acceptance of any advantage to or by a juror as an inducement to or reward for or otherwise on account of that juror’s corrupt conduct in discharging that duty. At common law, the offence of corruption is wide enough to cover the corruption of a juror: R v Young (1801) 2 East 14. However, unlike some common law jurisdictions such as Australia, in Hong Kong there is no statutory law dealing specifically with the corruption, or bribery, of a juror. See also Corruption; Bribery.
向陪審員提出任何利益或陪審員接受任何利益,由於該陪審員在執行職責時作出的舞弊行為,而作為利誘或報酬或其他方面。在普通法上,貪污罪的範圍可廣至涵蓋陪審員的貪污行為:R v Young (1801) 2 East 14。但香港與某些普通法司法管轄區不同(例如澳洲),沒有特別處理陪審員的貪污或賄賂行為的法例。另見 Corruption; Bribery。




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