

单词 Corruption
释义 貪污
Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power involving bribery. At common law, where a person in the position of trustee to perform a public duty takes a bribe to act corruptly in discharging that duty, it is an offence in both parties: R v Whitaker [1914] 3 KB 1283, 10 Cr App R 245. In Hong Kong, corruption is dealt with by statutory law contained mainly in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap 201). Bribery is where a person who, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, offers or solicits or accepts any advantage as an inducement to or reward for or otherwise on account of that person’s, either a public servant or an agent, performing or abstaining from performing, expediting, delaying, hindering or preventing the performance of an act or assisting, favouring, hindering or delaying the transaction with his employer or principal: Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap 201) ss 4, 9. The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) is established to combat corruption in Hong Kong. The duty of the ICAC includes: to receive and consider complaints alleging corrupt practices; to investigate any alleged and suspected offence; to examine the practice and procedures of Government departments and public bodies; to instruct, advise and assist on the elimination of corrupt practices; to educate the public against the evils of corruption and to enlist and foster public support in combating corruption: Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance (Cap 204) s 12. See also Bribe.
掌權人作出不誡實或欺詐行為涉及受賄。在普通法,某人作為執行公職的受託人,收受賄賂以舞弊方式執行公職,涉案兩方均屬犯罪:R v Whitaker [1914] 3 KB 1283, 10 Cr App R 245。在香港,貪污受成文法規管,主要見諸《防止賄賂條例》(第201章)。任何公職人員或代理人,無合法權限或合理辯解,提出、索取或接受,任何利益,作為他作出以下行為的誘因或報酬,或作為他不作出以下行為的誘因或報酬,即屬犯罪:作出或不作出與其僱主或主事人的事務有關的行為、加快、延誤、妨礙或阻止某種作為,或協助、優待、妨礙或延誤其僱主或主事人的事務:《防止賄賂條例》(第201章)第4及9條。廉政公署是香港為打擊貪污而設,職責是接受及考慮有關指稱貪污行為的投訴、調查涉嫌或被指稱是條例作訂的罪行、審查各政府部門及公共機構的工作常規及程序、給予消除貪污的方法的指導、意見及協助、教育公眾認識貪污的害處、爭取和促進公眾支持打擊貪污:《總督特派廉政專員公署條例》(第204章)第12條。另見 Bribe。 n.




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