

单词 Corrupt conduct
释义 舞弊行為
Conduct which does or could adversely affect the honest or impartial exercise of official functions by a public official or authority. Corrupt conduct includes conduct of a public official involving the dishonest or partial exercise of an official function. Corrupt conduct may involve such things as bribery, using or threatening to use force or duress, deceptive behaviour, impersonating another or making false or misleading statement. In Hong Kong, corrupt conduct involving bribery would be chargeable under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap 201). Corrupt conduct in election is specifically dealt with by the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554). See also Blackmail; Bribery; Corruption; Embezzlement; Theft.
對公職官員或主管當局真誠及公正無私地行使其官方職能,造成或可能造成不利影響的行為。舞弊行為包括公職官員涉及不誠實或不公正地行使其官方職能的行為。舞弊行為可涉及以下事項:賄賂、使用或威脅使用武力或脅迫手段、具欺騙性行為、冒充他人或作出虛假或具誤導性陳述。在香港,涉及賄賂的舞弊行為可根據《防止賄賂條例》(第201章)而被控。選舉中的舞弊行為由《選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例》(第554章)特別處理。另見 Blackmail; Bribery; Corruption; Embezzlement; Theft。




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