

单词 Original work
释义 版權作品

For the purpose of copyright, a work which originates from the author and is not a reproduction: Ladbroke (Football) Ltd v William Hill (Football) Ltd [1964] 1 WLR 273 (HL). Original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works are eligible for copyright protection: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 2(1)(a). A literary work is original in the sense that it originated in the author independently or at least must be substantially so: Hollinrake v Truswell [1894] 3 Ch 420; Exxon Corp v Exxon Insurance Consultants International [1982] RPC 81. Where an author makes preliminary drawings before producing a final version, the final version does not lack originality merely because it is preceded by the preliminary drawings: Biotrading and Financing OY v Biohit Ltd [1998] FSR 109 (CA). However, simply making modifications with no substantial visible differences to existing drawings does not confer originality on the new drawings as artistic works: Interlego AG v Tyco Industries Inc [1989] 1 AC 217 (PC). See also Artistic work; Author; Copyright; Dramatic work; Literary work; Musical work.

就版權而言, 指源於作者、而非複製品的作品:Ladbroke (Football) Ltd v William Hill (Football) Ltd [1964] 1 WLR 273 (上議院)。原創的文學作品、戲劇作品、音樂作品或藝術作品均有資格受版權保障:《版權條例》(第528章) 第2(1)(a)條。如某文學作品是由作者獨立創造或至少須實質地源於作者,則該文學作品屬原創:Hollinrake v Truswell [1894] 3 Ch 420; Exxon Corp v Exxon Insurance Consultants International [1982] RPC 81。如作者在提供最後版本之前作出初步的繪畫,則最後的版本不會僅僅因為有初步的繪畫在先而缺乏原創性: Biotrading and Financing OY v Biohit Ltd [1998] FSR 109 (上訴法院)。但就現存的繪畫而言,如所作出的修改沒有具體可見的差異,則不會令致新的繪畫具有藝術作品的原創性:Interlego AG v Tyco Industries Inc [1989] 1 AC 217 (樞密院)。另見 Artistic work; Author; Copyright; Dramatic work; Literary work; Musical work。





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