

单词 Originating process
释义 原訴法律程序文件
The method of commencing legal proceedings, including a writ, originating summons, originating motion and petition: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 5 – O 9. Subject to the provisions of any written law and of these rules, civil proceedings in the Court of First Instance may be begun by any of these four originating process. In the District Court, originating process includes a writ and originating summons only: The Rules of the District Court (Cap 336H) O 5. See also Originating motion; Originating summons; Petition; Service of process; Writ.
展開法律程序的方法,包括令狀、原訴傳票、原訴動議及呈請書等:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第5至9號命令。除任何成文法及本規則的條文另有規定外,初審法院的民事法律程序可藉上述任何一種原訴法律程序文件開展。在區域法院中,原訴法律程序文件僅包括令狀及原訴傳票:《區域法院規則》(第336H章)第5號命令。另見 Originating motion; Originating summons; Petition; Service of process; Writ。




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