

单词 Corroboration warning
释义 佐證忠告
A warning given by a judge to a jury that it may be dangerous to convict on the basis of the testimony of a particular witness that has not been supported by other evidence: Davies v DPP [1954] 1 All ER 507 (HL); R v Trigg [1963] 1 All ER 490, 47 Cr App Rep 94 (CCA). If no such warning is given, a conviction is likely to be quashed, even if there is ample corroboration. See also Corroboration.
法官給與陪審團的忠告,請陪審團留意某證人的證供由於沒有其他證據的支持,因此依據該證人的證供來定罪是很危險的:Davis v DPP [1954] 1 All ER 507(上議院); R v Trigg [1963] 1 All ER 490, 47 Cr App Rep 94(英國刑事上訴法院)。如果沒有給與這樣的忠告,定罪判決便相當可能會被撤銷,即使是有充分的佐證。另見 Corroboration。




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