

单词 Principal in the second degree
释义 次要主犯
A person who assisted or encouraged the principal offender in the commission of the offence: R v Bourne (1952) 36 Cr App R 125. It is usually called an accomplice: Ram & Ram (1893) 12 Cox CC 709; R v Cogan [1976] QB 217. A person can be present actually or constructively such as where the person is ready and able to come to the aid of the principal when required. Mere presence at a crime is insufficient to render a person a principal in the second degree unless the person is present to assist or encourage the principal (R v Coney (1882) 8 QBD 534); although non-accidental presence may be evidence that the person is present to assist the offender (R v Clarkson [1971] 1 WLR 1402, 3 All ER 344). There is little legal significance between principals in the first and second degree as such a person can be charged of aiding and abetting the commission of a crime: Kwan Kwok Hing v R [1977] HKLR 159. See also Accessory after the fact; Accessory before the fact; Aid and abet; Complicity; Principal in the first degree.
協助或鼓勵主犯犯罪的人: Bourne (1952) 36 Cr App R 125。通常稱為從犯: Bourne (1952) 36 Cr App R 125。可實際在場或推定在場例如某人已準備就緒及在要求下可到場協助。雖然非意外的出現可能是證明該人在場協助或鼓勵犯人的證據(R v Clarkson [1971] 1 WLR 1402, 3 All ER 344) ;純粹於罪行發生時在場不足以使一個人成為次要主犯, 除非該人在場協助或鼓勵主犯(R v Coney (1882) 8 QBD 534)。主要主犯和次要主犯之間沒有很大的法律意義, 因此人可被控協助及教唆犯罪: Kwan Kwok Hing v R [1977] HKLR 159。另見 Accessory after the fact; Accessory before the fact; Aid and abet; Complicity; Principal in the first degree。




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