

单词 Structure
释义 構築物
1. Something built or constructed. Any building, booth, matshed, grandstand, tent or other erection: Places of Public Entertainment Regulations (Cap 172A) reg 2. Temporary structures put up for public entertainment must accord to certain requirements: reg 164. 2. The framework on which something tangible or intangible is built, for example, corporate structure.
Real property - It includes stilt, platform, fence and any other thing erected on or over land: Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28) s 2. It also includes bridge, barrier, pillar, post, culvert or pipe crossing, pier, wall, stair, shed or other similar structure: Land Drainage Ordinance (Cap 446) ss 2, 21(3). Persons having control over structures are generally treated as occupiers of premises at common law: Kealey v Heard [1983] 1 All ER 973, [1983] 1 WLR 573 (scaffolding).
Taxation and Revenue - It has been accepted as including walls, bridges, dams, fish ponds, bunds or banks around paddy-fields, concrete aprons forming parking spaces, roads, dry docks, bored holes and wells, sewers, water mains, tunnel linings and wharves. In relation to rating, it is included in the definition of ‘tenement: Rating Ordinance (Cap 116) s 2. Floating dry dock is held not to be structure: Cmr of Rating and Valuation v Yiu Lian Machinery Repairing Works Ltd & Ors [1985] 2 HKC 517.
Tort - Any construction, production, or piece of work built up or composed of parts joined together, such as a building; anything built or constructed. Children who trespass on structures on land may have rights greater than those of other trespassers. Where the defendant’s premises on to which the child trespasses consist of some movable structure such as a cart or a trailer and the child has effected that trespass without also trespassing on the defendant’s land either because the structure was on the highway or the land was not occupied by the defendant, then it scarcely lies in the mouth of a defendant who is found to have negligently left a dangerous and attractive object in a place where children are known to play to contend that a child who has done the very thing which forms the basis of the finding of negligence should fail because he was a trespasser on the object: Creed v John McGeoch & Sons Ltd [1955] 3 All ER 123, 1 WLR 1005. This duty of care towards children probably also applies even though a child has trespassed on the land of a third-party occupier, but not if the occupier on whose land the child has trespassed also occupied the movable structure: Hardy v Central London Rly Co [1920] 3 KB 459. However, where the child is a licensee on the defendant’s land, the occupier may not plead that the child is a trespasser on an attractive movable structure placed on the land: Cough v National Coal Board [1954] 1 QB 191, [1953] 2 All ER 1283 (CA).
1.建造物。任何建築物、攤位、戲棚、看台、帳幕或其他架設物:《公眾娛樂場所規例》(第172A章)第2條規則。 用作公眾娛樂用途而設置的臨時構築物須遵循若干規定:第164條規則。   結構  2.在構架上建造若干實體物或非實體物,例如集團駕構。
土地財產 - 構築物包括在土地上或土地上空建造的樁柱、平台、欄柵及任何其他物件:《土地(雜項條文)條例》(第28章)第2條。構築物也包括橋樑、圍欄、欄障、墩柱、樁柱、涵洞、橫渡喉管、碼頭、牆、樓梯、棚屋或其他相類構築物:《土地排水條例》(第446章)第2及21(3)條。普通法一般視在建築物之上有控制權的人為處所之佔用人:Kealey v Heard [1983] 1 All ER 973, [1983] 1 WLR 573 (棚架/施工架)。
稅收與稅務 -   構築物可包括牆、橋、堰、魚溏、在稻田附近的堤防或田埂、形成停車空間的混凝土範圍、道路、船塢、鑽挖的洞口和井、污水管道、水管、隧道內層及碼頭。就差餉而言,構築物包含在《差餉條例》(第116章)第2條的「物業單位」的定義之內。浮式乾船塢被裁定為不屬構築物:Cmr of Rating and Valuation v Yiu Lian Machinery Repairing Work Ltd & Ors [1985] 2 HKC 517。
侵權 - 任何構造,製作物,或以件數計算的建造工程或連接在一起的組成部分,例如任何建造或構成的建築物。闖入構築物的土地的兒童可比其他闖入者有更大的權利。如有關兒童闖入的被告處所由若干可移動的構築物組成,例如手推車或拖車,而有關兒童在沒有闖入被告的土地的情況下,闖入有關的可移動的構築物,因為有關的構築物在公路或有關的土地並非由被告佔用,則很少可接納被告(被裁繼為疏忽地在一處為人所知兒童會在該處玩耍的地方,留下危險及引起注意力的物件)辯稱一名作出正是形成疏忽裁斷基礎的事情的兒童應敗訴,因為他是該物的闖入者:Creed v John McGeoch & Sons Ltd [1955] 3 All ER 123, 1 WLR 1005。儘管一名兒童已闖入第三方佔用人的土地,但此類對兒童的謹慎責任也適用,但如該兒童已闖入其土地的佔用人也佔用該可移動的構築物,則此類對兒童的謹慎責任不適用:Hardy v Central London Rly Co [1920] 3 KB 459。但如有關的兒童在被告的土地屬被許可的人,則有關的佔用人或許不可作訴,指有關的兒童是放置在土地而引起注意力的及可移動的構築物的闖入者:Cough v National Coal Board [1954] 1 QB 191, [1953] 2 All ER 1283 (英國上訴法院)。n.




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