

单词 Subcontractor
释义 次承判商 次承判商指以下任何人士(但不包括指定次承判商):任何與總承判商訂立合約(不論是明訂或隱含的)以進行該總承判商已立約進行的全部或部分工作的人;及任何訂立合約(不論是明訂或隱含的)以進行以上所指的次承判商已立約進行的全部或部分工作的其他人:
A person who enters into a contract, express or implied, with a principal contractor to perform all or any part of the work which the principal contractor has contracted to perform; and any other person who enters into a contract, express or implied, to perform all or any part of the work which the sub-contractor mentioned above has contracted to perform, but does not include a nominated sub-contractor: Employment Ordinance (Cap 57) s 43A. In building and construction, a person who agrees to provide labour, or labour and materials, and who enters into contractual relations with a contractor: George E Taylor & Co Ltd v G Percy Trentham Ltd (1980) 16 BLR 15. The contractor generally is permitted to let the work or part of it to subcontractors; however, the proprietor may retain the right to direct the contractor to engage a specific nominated subcontractor. Unless the third party who has contracted with the contractor has given express or implied authority to the contractor to subcontract, there is no privity between the third party and subcontractor. As a result, the third party is not liable to the subcontractor for his or her remuneration: Hampton v Glamorgan County Council [1917] AC 13.
《僱傭條例》(第57章)第43A條。在建築物及建造上,次承判商指同意提供勞工,或勞工及物料的人,及與承判商訂立合約關係的人:George E Taylor & Co Ltd v G Percy Trentham Ltd (1980) 16 BLR 15。承判商一般獲准予分批工程或部分工程給次承判商;但所有人可保留指引承判商聘用明確指定的次承判商的權利。除非已與承判商訂立合約的第三方已給予承判商明訂或隱含的分包合約權利,否則第三方和次承判商之間並無相互的法律關係。第三方因而對次承判商的酬金沒有法律責任:Hampton v Glamorgan County Council [1917] AC 13。 n.




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