

单词 Striking out
释义 剔除
A procedure by which a pleading or cause of action is thrown out of court. A court may dismiss or strike out an action at any stage of proceedings if certain conditions are met: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 18 r 19(3). These include where there is no reasonable cause of action or defence, where the pleading is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious, where the action may prejudice, embarrass or delay the court proceedings or where an abuse of process is occurring: O 18 r 19(1). See also Pleadings.
法庭拒絕接受狀書或訴訟因由的法律程序。如符合若干條件,法庭在任何法律程序的階段可駁回訴訟:《高等法院規則》(第4A條)第18號命令第19(3)條規則。如並無披露合理的訴訟因由或抗辯;屬於惡意中傷、瑣屑無聊或無理纏擾的狀書;會對有關法庭的法律程序造成損害、妨礙或延遲;或如屬濫用法庭的法律程序,則法庭可剔除有關的法律文件:第18號命令第 19(1)條規則。另見 Pleadings。




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