

单词 Administration bond
释义 遺產管理的擔保契約據
A bond which may be granted by a third party, often an insurance company, to a person to whom letters of administration have been granted in the estate of a deceased person. The former undertakes to make good any loss for failing to properly administer the estate. The bond is a contract under seal to pay an amount of money, or a sealed writing which acknowledges a debt or obligation and is applicable, for example, in construction contracts where a performance bond is issued by a third party to guarantee the contractor’s completion of the project. See also Administrator; Bond; Personal representative.
可由第三者(通常是保險公司)給予一個合法遺產管理人的擔保契據。前者保證因不妥善處理遺產而帶來的損失。該擔保契約據是一個須蓋印章的支付合約,或有蓋印章的書面文件,承認一筆債項或責任。擔保契約據亦適用於建造合約,由某第三者發出一個履約保證,保證建造商可完成工程。另見 Administrator; Bond; Personal representative。




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