

单词 Remote possibility
释义 間接可能性
A likelihood that is slight, unlikely, or inconsiderable. The occurrence of a future event or risk of injury which is uncertain or unlikely. Although a risk which is likely to occur is reasonably foreseeable, it does not follow that a risk which is unlikely to occur is not foreseeable. A risk of injury which is a remote possibility may nevertheless constitute a foreseeable risk because, provided the risk is not far-fetched or fanciful, a defendant cannot negligent it, regardless of how small it is: Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd v Miller Steamship Pty Ltd (The Wagon Mound) (No 2) [1967] 1 AC 617. Evidence must be adduced to prove the causal connection between the contributing factor and the result, if no evidence is provided it remains a remote possibility: Lai Ping Wah, the Personal Representative of the Estate of Ku Lai Kwan (dec’d) v China Insurance Co Ltd (HCPI 874/97, unreported). See also Foresight of consequences; Reasonable foreseeability.
少許的,相當不可能的或微不足道的可能性。相當不可能或不確定將來會發生一項具損害的事情或危險。儘管可合理地預見相當可能發生的危險,但不表示相當不可能發生的危險並非可預見。儘管如此,具間接可能性的損害危險可形成可預見的危險,因為如有關的危險並非太遙遠或離奇,則不管危險怎樣少,被告均不可漠視:Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd v Miller Steamship Pty Ltd (The Wagon Mound) (No 2) [1967] 1 AC 617。必須援引證據以證明促成因素和結果之間有因果的關係,如沒有提供有關的證據,則仍屬間接的可能性:Lai Ping Wah, the Personal Representative of the Estate of Ku Lai Kwan (已去世) v China Insurance Co Ltd(高院傷亡訴訟1997年第874號,未經彙報)。另見 Foresight of consequences; Reasonable foreseeability。




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