

单词 Deportation order
释义 遞解離境令
An order made against a person to leave Hong Kong and shall prohibit him from being in Hong Kong at any time thereafter or during such period as may be specified in the order: Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) s 20(5). It invalidates any permission or authority to land or remain in Hong Kong given to that person before the order is made or while it is in force: s 20(7). Power is vested on the Chief Executive and the courts to issue orders of deportation. The effect of a deportation order may be to return a fugitive to a country desirous of prosecuting or punishing him for an offence for which he could not be extradited: R v Governor of Brixton Prison, ex p Soblen [1962] 3 All ER 641, [1963] 2 QB 243 (CA). See also Deportation; Deportee.
遞解離境令規定該令所針對的人離開香港,並禁止他在以後任何時間留在香港,或禁止他在該令所指明的期間內留在香港:《入境條例》(第115章)第20 (5)條。遞解離境令會致使在該令發出前或在該令有效期內給予該人在香港入境或留在香港的准許或批准失效:第20 (7))條。行政長官及法院獲賦予發出遞解離境令的權力。遞解離境令的效力可以是將逃亡者遣返致意欲就某項罪行而檢控或懲罰他的國家,但該國家卻不能就該項罪行引渡該名逃犯:R v Governor of Brixton Prison, ex p Soblen [1962] 3 All ER 641, [1963] 2 QB 243(芵國法院)。另見 Deportation; Deportee。




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