

单词 Deposit
释义 存款
1. A sum of money placed into an account with a bank or other financial institution or a loan of money at interest or repayable at a premium or repayable with any consideration in money or money’s worth: Banking Ordinance (Cap 155) s 2. 2. A sum of money put down to secure an article.
Contract - A payment in earnest. A deposit provides security for the payee, who is entitled to forfeit the payment if the contract goes off on account of the payer’s default under the contract: Howe v Smith (1884) 27 Ch D 89. A deposit is by its nature a penalty since its function is to operate in terrorem and the amount of the deposit bears no relation to the loss caused by a breach: Ho, Hong Kong Contract Law (2nd Ed) p 473. The part payment of the purchase price for the purchase of land is referred to as a deposit and the payment of the deposit on the entry into the contract of sale was regarded as an earnest for the purchaser’s performance of his contractual obligations, including that of completion on the due date: Sihombing and Wilkinson, Hong Kong Conveyancing Law and Practice (Butterworths, 2002) para 2051. See also Contract; Liquidated damages; Relief against forfeiture.
Corporations - In relation to futures and options, the amount of money (or initial margin) which the clearing house requires to be paid prior to the registration of a contract. The clearing house determines a minimum deposit for futures and option contracts. See also Clearing deposit; Clearing house; Futures contract; Option.
1. 指存放在銀行或其他財務機構之戶口的款項,或指有利息的貸款或須附以溢價付還的或須附以任何以金錢或金錢的等值為代價付還的貸款:《銀行業條例》(第155章)第2條。  保證金、按金 2. 為某物品提供保證而繳付的款項。
合約 -   作為定金的款項。保證金為受款人提供保證,如合約因付款人違約而無效,則受款人有權沒收有關的款項:Howe v Smith (1884) 27 Ch D 89。保證金本質上為罰款,因其運作具有威嚇性的功能,而保證金的款額和因違法而導致的損失無關:Ho, Hong Kong Contract Law (第2版) 第473頁。為購買土地而繳付的部分買價稱為保證金,而在簽訂合約時所繳付的按金則被視為為買方履行其合約責任的定金(包括應在付款日期完成買賣):Sihombing and Wilkinson, Hong Kong Conveyancing Law and Practice (Butterworths, 2002年)第 2051段。另見 Contract; Liquidated damages; Relief against forfeiture。
法團 -   就期貨和期權而言,指結算所規定在合約註冊前所需支付的款額(或基本按金)。結算所為期貨合約和期權合約決定最低額的保證金。另見 Clearing deposit; Clearing house; Futures contract; Option。 n.




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