

单词 Public examination
释义 公開訊問
An open court hearing at which a bankrupt is examined before a judge, registrar, or magistrate as to his affairs, dealings and property. A bankrupt may be ordered to attend such examination upon an application of a creditor, the trustee, or the Official Receiver: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 19(5). The purpose of a public examination is to fully examine and disclose the debtor’s dealings and affairs for the protection of public interests. The bankrupt is under a duty to answer all questions that the court may put or allow to be put to him: s 19(9). For procedure of a public examination: Bankruptcy Rules (Cap 6A) rr 82A-86. See also Bankrupt; Examinable affairs; Official receiver; Registrar in Bankruptcy; Trustee in bankruptcy.
在法官, 註冊官,或裁判官面前,就破產人的事情, 交易及財產進行公開的法庭聆訊。在債權人, 信託人或破產管理署署長的申請下,可命令破產人出席此類訊問: 破產條例(第6章) 第 19(5)條。公開訊問的目的在於為保障公眾利益而徹底審查及透露債務人的交易及事情。破產人有責任回答法院向其提出的或法院容許向其提出的所有問題: 第 19(9) 條 。公開訊問的程序: 破產規則 (第6A章) 第82A-86規則。另見 Bankrupt; Examinable affairs; Official receiver; Registrar in Bankruptcy; Trustee in bankruptcy。




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