

单词 Unrepresented accused
释义 無法律代表的被控人
An accused who appears in person without a legal counsel representing him. Where the defendant is not represented by counsel, the magistrate should, without losing his role as the impartial arbiter of the case, provide the defendant with assistance in the conduct of his case but what is appropriate varies from case to case: Suen Chuen v R [1963] HKLR 630 (FC). The accused ought clearly to be told that he has the right to give evidence on his own behalf: R v Carter (1960) 44 Cr App R 225 (CCA). In practice the magistrate gives the unrepresented defendant some guidance as to how to conduct his defence: Suen Chuen v R, supra. However, a judge or magistrate has no duty to conduct the defence as such or take over the cross-examination for the accused: R v Tam Kin Wing [1997] 3 HKC 285. It is the duty of defending counsel to ensure that an accused person is never left unrepresented at any stage of his trial: Code of Conduct, Hong Kong Bar Association, para 151(a). See also Fair trial; Trial.
親自出庭而無大律師代表的被控人。凡被告人無大律師代表,在保持於案件公正無私的裁決人的身份的情況下,裁判官應就案件的進行向該被告人提供協助,但何謂適當的協助則依案件而不同:Suen Chuen v R [1963] HKLR 630(全體法院)。該被控人應獲清楚指出他有權代表其本人而作供:R v Carter (1960) 44 Cr App R 225(英國刑事上訴法庭)。實際上,裁判官就如何作出抗辯而向無法律代表的被告人給予指引:Suen Chuen v R, 見上文。然而,法官或裁判官無責任以其身份作出抗辯,或代替該被控人接手盤問:R v Tam Kin Wing [1997] 3 HKC 285。辯方大律師有責任確保被控人於審訊的任何階段均遺下無大律師代表:香港大律師公會操守守則第151(a)段。另見 Fair trial; Trial。




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