

单词 Promissory warranty
释义 承諾保證
In marine insurance law, it is a warranty by which the assured undertakes that some particular thing shall or shall not be done, or that some condition shall be fulfilled, or whereby he affirms or negatives the existence of a particular state of fact: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 33(1). It may be express or implied: s 33(2). It must be complied with, whether it be material to the risk or not. If it not so complied with, then subject to the express provision in the policy, the insurer is discharged from liability as from the date of breach but without prejudice to any liability incurred by him before that date: s 33(3). A breach of warranty may be waived by the insurer (s 34(3)), unless it is a warranty of legality (Angela Maria Dias (t/a Crowden Trading Corp) v National Insurance Co Ltd [1973-1976] HKC 21). Discharge from liability is automatic and is not dependent on any decision by the insurer to treat the policy as at an end: Bank of Nova Scotia v Hellenic Mutual War Risks Association (Bermuda) Ltd, The Good Luck [1992] 1 AC 233, [1991] 3 All ER 1 (HL). See also Proof of loss.
就海上保險法而言,受保人藉一項保證承諾某事情會被作出或不會被作出,或承諾某種條件會獲遵守,或確認或否定某種事情的存在:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第33(1)條。保證可以是明示的或隱含的:第33(2)條。不論保證就風險而言是否具關鍵性它必須被遵守。如不如此遵守,則除保單的任何明訂條文另有規定外,保險人的法律責任由保證被違反之日起即獲得解除,但此一規定並不影響該日之前由他招致的任何法律責任:第33(3)條。除非是就合法性的保證,否則違反保證的責任可由保險人免除(第 34(3)條) (Angela Maria Dias (t/a Crowden Trading Corp) v National Insurance Co Ltd [1973-1976] HKC 21)。法律責任的解除 是 自動的而不取決於保險人視保單為終止的決定:Bank of Nova Scotia v Hellenic Mutual War Risks Association (Bermuda) Ltd, The Good Luck [1992] 1 AC 233, [1991] 3 All ER 1 (上議院)。另見 Proof of loss。




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