

corporeal corpus delicti Corpus Juris Civilis corroboration costs
Council of Europe Council of State Council of the European Union Council on Tribunals counsel
counterclaim counterfeiting County Court Cour de Cassation course of employment
court martial Court of Appeal Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Court of Auditors Court of Criminal Appeal
Court of First Instance (of the European Communities) Court of Justice of the European Union Court of Session Court of the Arches Coutume de Normandie
covenant crave credibility credit creditor
crime Criminal Cases Review Commission Criminal Defence Service (CDS) criminal injuries compensation criminal legal aid
cross-examination Crown Crown Agent Crown Court Crown Office
Crown proceedings Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) CRU crystallisation CSA
culpable homicide culpa tenet suos auctores cur. adv. vult curator curator ad litem
curator bonis current maintenance arrestment custody custom or usage customs duties
customs union Cynulliad Cenedlasthol Cymru cy pres daily damages
damnum absque injuria damnum fatale damnum injuria datam dangerous driving dangerous things
dangerous wild animals data protection Data Protection Commissioner dead's part Deasy's Act
death death penalty debate debenture de bonis asportatis
debt debtor deceit deception decision
declaration against interest declarator declaratory power declinature decree
decree absolute decree nisi and absolute decree of irritancy deduction of tax at source deed
deed of grant deed poll defamation default default of pleadings
defeasance defect defective equipment defence deferred sentence
deferred shares de jure delay del credere agency delegate
delegated legislation delegation delegatus non potest delegare delict deliverable state
delivery de minimus non curat lex demonstrative legacy demurrage deodand
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) dependant dependent territory de plano deponent
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