

单词 Trust property
释义 信託財產

1. Property that forms the subject of a trust. It may be real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, tangible or intangible, a chose in possession or chose in action, and legal or equitable. The trust property or trust estate must be vested in the trustee, whether the property is a legal estate, a legal right or an equitable interest where the legal title is vested in some other person: Knight v Bowyer (1857) 23 Beav 609. Property held in trust by a bankrupt for another person is not divisible property in a bankruptcy: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 43. Where trust property is in jeopardy by reason of the trustee’s conduct or his death or incapacity or bankruptcy, a receiver may be appointed, and an injunction may be granted to restrain the trustee from further acting in the trust, or a writ of possession or delivery may be obtained (The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 45 rr 3, 4), or the property may be ordered to be brought into court (Re Carroll, Brice v Carroll [1902] 2 Ch 175). 2. In relation to a unit trust scheme, it means property subject to the trusts of the trust instrument: Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap 117) s 30. The trustees of a unit trust scheme shall keep a record showing the number of units under the scheme representing the trust property, and from time to time as soon as any change occurs in the amount of such property they shall enter in the record the alteration in the number consequential on such change: s 31. See also Bankrupt; Chose in action; Chose in possession; Divisible property; Property; Trust.
1. 形成信託標的的財產。信託財產可以是土地或非土地財產、有體或無體財產、有形或無形財產、所有物/佔有物或據法權產、及法律上或衡平法上的財產。不論有關的財產是法律上的產權、法律上的權利、或有關的法律上的權益歸屬於若干其他人的衡平法上的權益,信託財產或信託產業必須歸屬於受託人:Knight v Bowyer (1857) 23 Beav 609。破產人以信託形式為其他人持有的財產在破產案中並非可予分配的財產:《破產條例》(第6章)第43條。如有關的信託財產因受託人的行為或其死亡或喪失履行職務能力或破產的理由而受危害,則可委任接管人,並且可授予強制令以限制該受託人在有關的信託作出進一步的行動,或取得管有令狀或交付令狀 (《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第45號命令第 3及4條),或可命令帶進有關的財產到法庭 (Re Carroll, Brice v Carroll [1902] 2 Ch 175)。  2. 就單位信託計劃而言,指受信託文書所載的信託所規限的財產:《印花稅條例》(第117章)第30條。單位信託計劃的受託人須備存紀錄,顯示在該計劃下代表信託財產的單位的數目,並須不時於該財產數額有任何變化時,立即將該變化所引致的單位數目變更記入紀錄中:第31條。另見 Bankrupt; Chose in action; Chose in possession; Divisible property; Property; Trust。





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