

单词 Agreed damages clause
释义 認定賠償額條款
A term qualifying the damages payable in the event of a breach of contract. The function of an agreed damages clause is to overcome the requirement of proof of loss in a claim for damages; the clause fixes the amount recoverable by the plaintiff, without the need for litigation. This fact may operate to the defendant’s advantage where the amount fixed is less than that which might have been recovered in damages: Philips Hong Kong Ltd v A-G of HK [1993] 1 HKLR 269 (PC). A distinction exists between an agreed damages clause that is enforceable as liquidated damages, and an agreed damages clause that is unenforceable as a penalty for breach. The court will enforce the former but not the latter. No mitigation is required for liquidated damages: Woomera Co Ltd & Anor v Provident Centre Development Ltd [1985] HKLR 263 (CA). See also Liquidated damages; Penalty; Primary obligation; Secondary obligation; Term.
限制在違約時應付的損害賠償的條款。認定賠償額條款的作用為:在損害賠償的申索中,免除需要證明損失的要求;該條款訂定受害人可追討的款額,而不需提出訴訟。當所訂定的款額比受害人本應可能討回的損害賠償為少,則訂定可予追討的款額會被告人可能有利:Philips Hong Kong Ltd v A-G of HK [1993] 1 HKLR 269(樞密院)。可作為已算定損害賠償而強制執行的認定賠償額條款,與不可作為違反事項的罰金而強制執行的認定賠償額條款,兩者是有分別的。法庭會強制執行前者,但非後者。已算定損害賠償不需有減低損害賠償:Woomera Co Ltd & Anor v Provident Centre Development Ltd [1985] HKLR 263(上訴法院)。另見 Liquidated damages; Penalty; Primary obligation; Secondary obligation; Term。




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