

单词 Family planning
释义 家庭計劃
Controlling procreation through the use of various contraceptive measures. In some circumstances, family planning includes the termination of unplanned pregnancies. It has been held that there is a common law right not to procreate: Re Jane (1988) 12 Fam LR 662. In certain circumstances, the court will order the operation for sterilisation on a child under 18 for the welfare and in the best interest of the minor: Re B (a minor) (wardship: sterilisation) [1987] 2 All ER 206, [1988] AC 199 (HL). See also Sterilisation; Vasectomy.
通過使用不同的避孕方法來控制生育。在某些情況下,家庭計劃包括終止未經計劃的懷孕。法庭裁定有不生育的普通法的權利:Re Jane (1988) 12 Fam LR 662。在某些特定的情況下,法庭可命令18歲以下的兒童為未成年人的福利及符合未成年人的最佳利益為理由作絕育手術:Re B (a minor) (wardship: sterilisation) [1988] AC 199, [1987] 2 All ER 206 (上議院)。另見 Sterilisation; Vasectomy。




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