

单词 Abandonment
释义 放棄/廢除/委付/拋棄
The action or process of surrendering, forsaking, giving up completely or finally, or leaving something or someone unprotected.
Contract - The relinquishment or discharge of a contract by giving up one’s rights in it: Andre et Cie SA v Marine Transocean Ltd (The Splendid Sun) [1981] QB 694 (CA). An earlier written contract may be wholly abandoned by a subsequent oral contract. A contract may also be discharged by implication arising from the actions of the parties where such actions establish either an implied agreement to abandon or estoppel: Pearl Mill Co Ltd v Ivy Tannery Co Ltd [1918-19] All ER Rep 702, [1919] 1 KB 78 (DC). See also Delay; Discharge; Estoppel.
Courts - A party to an action discontinues the whole action, or withdraws any particular claim or question made in respect of an action, as against any or all of the other parties to that action. For an action begun by writ (The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 21 r 2(1)); for an action begun by originating summons (O 21 r 2(3A)); for consensual discontinuation or abandonment of an action (O 21 r 2(4)); for leave of the court (O 21 r 3). See also Discontinuance of proceedings; Notice of abandonment.
Family Law - In relation to a child, the giving up of the child; a morally reprehensible desertion of the child, leaving it entirely unprotected. Abandonment means a person leaving a child to its fate but not handing the child to people in whom that person has confidence: Watson & Anor v Nikolaisen [1955] 2 All ER 427, 2 QB 286. It is an offence to unlawfully abandon or expose any child, being under the age of two years whereby the life of such child is endangered, or the health of such child is likely to be permanently injured: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 26. It is also an offence for any person over the age of 16 who has the custody, charge or care of a child or young person under that age wilfully assaults, ill-treats, neglects, abandons or exposes such child or young person or causes or procures such child or young person to be assaulted, ill-treated, neglected, abandoned or exposed in a manner likely to cause such child or young person unnecessary suffering or injury to health: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 27. See also Desertion; Likely.
Maritime law - The complete relinquishment of an interest, claim or thing. 1. In marine insurance, when an assured abandons the subject matter insured, he is effectively relinquishing and transferring all his rights in the property including the claims that may arise from his ownership to the insurer: Rankin v Potter (1873) LR 6 HL 83. Where there is a constructive total loss an assured may abandon the subject matter insured to the insurer and treat the loss as if it were an actual total loss: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 61. The assured must manifest his intention by giving a notice of abandonment to his insurer: s 62. 2. In maritime law, a shipowner was entitled to abandon the voyage without the consent of the cargo interests in circumstances where the completion of the voyage was physically impossible or so commercially unreasonable as to be impossible. The legal basis for such common law right is not entirely clear but seems to be derived from the doctrine of frustration: Kulukundis v Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society [1937] 1 KB 1 (CA). Most bills of lading provide for a liberty clause entitling the shipowner to abandon the voyage in certain circumstances. The validity of such clauses may be subject to the overriding operation of the Hague or Hague-Visby Rules. For an example where a voyage was abandoned by the shipowner due to the grounding of the vessel: Taitexma Enterprise Corp & Ors v Tillemont Shipping Corp SA [1995] 1 HKC 119 (CA).
Personal property - Where an owner of a thing forms and exhibits an intention to disclaim any interest in that thing. At common law a thing is abandoned at the time when the owner exhibits a clear intention to abandon it: Gleeson S Personal Property Law (FT Law & Tax, 1997) pp 51-52. It involves an intention to relinquish any claim to the property and not merely an intention to relinquish possession: Hibbert v McKiernan [1948] 1 All ER 860, 2 KB 142. Abandoned goods cannot be stolen: R v White (1912) 7 Cr App Rep 266 (CCA); R v Woodman [1974] 2 All ER 955, QB 754, 59 Cr App Rep 200 (CA). See also Larceny; Lien; Possession.
Real property - Giving up. 1.A course of conduct, usually taking the form of indulgence or tolerance against a breach knowingly, which is wholly inconsistent with the continuance of and the continuing reliance on a covenant or a right: A-G of HK v Fairfax Ltd [1997] HKLRD 243 (PC). 2. A state where a property is left out of possession, by a person having rightful possession, without any intention to possess or return: Wong Peng Kuen & Chung King Pui Anor [1976] HKDCLR 1.
合約 - 某人放棄自己在合約下的權利以解除合約:Andre et Cie SA v Marine Transocean Ltd (The Splendid Sun) [1981] QB 694(英國上訴法院)。先前以書面訂下的合約,可全被其後以口頭作出的合約廢除。合約也可藉合約各方的行為所引起的推斷而解除,如果該等行為構成廢除或不得自駁的默示協議:Pearl Mill Co Ltd v Ivy Tannery Co Ltd [1918-19] All ER Rep 702, [1919] 1 KB 78(英國區域法院)。另見 Delay; Discharge; Estoppel。
法庭 - 訴訟一方對其他一方或所有與訟人中止整個訴訟或撤回某一項申索或問題。藉令狀開展的訴訟,見《高等法院規例》(第4A章)第21號命令第2(1)條規則;藉原訴傳票開展的訴訟,見第21號命令第3A條規則;按各方同意而中止或撤回的訴訟,見第21號命令第2(4)條規則;需法庭許可的,見第21號命令第3條規則。另見 Discontinuance of proceedings; Notice of abandonment。
家事法 - 就兒童而言,指拋棄兒童;在道德層面上受譴責的棄兒童不顧,令其完全不獲保護的行為。拋棄指某人不理兒童死活,卻不把兒童交給其信任的人:Watson & Anor v Nikolaisen [1955] 2 All ER 427, 2 QB 286。任何人非法拋棄或遺棄不足兩歲的兒童,以致該兒童的生命受危害,或以致該兒童的健康可能蒙受永久損害,即屬犯罪:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第26條。任何超過16歲而對不足該年歲的兒童或少年負有管養、看管或照顧責任的人,如故意襲擊、虐待、忽略、拋棄或遺棄該兒童或少年,或導致或促致該兒童或少年受襲擊、虐待、忽略、拋棄或遺棄,其方式相當可能導致該兒童或少年受到不必要的苦楚或健康損害,亦屬犯罪:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第27條。另見 Desertion; Likely。
海事法 - 對某權益、權利主張或物事的完全放棄。 1.在海上保險中,當受保人放棄受保事物,他實際上已放棄並向保險人轉移其對該財產的所有權利,包括因其擁有權而起的權利主張:Rankin v Potter (1873) LR 6 HL 83。凡有推定全損,受保人可將受保標的物委付予保險人,並猶如損失是實際全損一樣處理:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第61條。受保人須向保險人作出委付通知以表明其意圖:第62條。 2.在海事法中,在客觀上沒可能或從商業角度看不合理的情況下,船主有權不經貨主的同意而放棄航程。這項普通法下的權利,法律基礎不清楚從何而來,但似乎是來自合約受挫失效的原則:Kulukundis v Norwich Union [1937] 1 KB 1(英國上訴法院)。大部分提貨單都載有自由條款,賦予船主權力在某些情況下放棄航程。此類條款的有效性可能受制於《海牙規則》或《海牙-維斯比規則》的凌駕性條文。因船隻被勒令停航而令船主放棄航程的例子:Taitexma Enterprise Corp v Tillemont Shipping Corp [1995] 1 HKC 119。
個人財產 - 某物件的擁有人形成及顯露其放棄該物件權益的意圖。在普通法下,當擁有人清楚顯露放棄的意圖時,該物件便被視為被放棄:Gleeson S Personal Property Law (FT Law & Tax, 1997年)第51-52頁。但該意圖須是放棄對該財產的任何權利主張,而不只是放棄管有權:Hibbert v Mckiernan [1948] 2 KB 142。被放棄的貨物不可能被偷去:R v White (1912) 7 Cr App R 266(英國刑事上訴法院);R v Woodman [1974] 2 All ER 955, QB 754, 59 Cr App Rep 200(英國上訴法院)。另見 Larceny; Lien; Possession。
房地產 - 放棄。 1.與某一契諾或權利的持續、或繼續依賴該等契諾或權利完全矛盾的行為,出現方式通常是在明知的情況下縱容或容忍該等契諾或權利的違反:A-G of HK v Fairfax Ltd [1997] HKLRD 243。2. 一項財產被其合法擁有人在無意圖管有或交還的情況下棄置:Wong Peng Kuen & Anors [1976] HKDCLR 1。n.




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