

单词 Cancellation of registration
释义 登記的撤銷
The termination of rights prescribed by legislation for failure to comply with conditions by which such rights were granted. Where the Register of Companies has reasonable cause to believe that a company is not carrying on business or in operation, he may inquire the company. If the Register receives an answer that the company is not carrying on business or the company does not reply to the inquiry, the Register may publish the Gazette and send to the company a notice that the company will be struck off from the register: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 291. The Registrar may apply to the court for a company be struck off from the register and dissolved because the company has no assets or other appropriate reasons: s 291A. See also Suspension of registration.
終止法例規定的權利,因為未能符合授予該等權利時的條件。凡公司登記處處長有合理因由相信某公司不在營業或運作中,處長可查究該公司。凡處長接獲一項公司不在營業或運作中的回覆或沒有回覆,處長可將其刊登在憲報上並送交公司一份公告,述明所述公司會自登記冊中剔除:《公司條例》(第32章)第 291條。處長可以申請法院將公司自登記冊中剔除和解散,因為公司沒有資產或其他合適理由:第291A條。另見 Suspension of registration。




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