

单词 Shipped bill of lading
释义 已裝運提單
1. A bill of lading in which the carrier acknowledges that the goods are loaded on board a vessel for carriage: Hague-Visby Rules art 3 r 7. A bill of lading stamped with the words ‘CLEAN ON BOARD’ becomes a shipped bill of lading: Panchaud Freres SA v Etablissements General Grain Co [1969] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 109. A shipped bill of lading, which is dated prior to completion of loading, becomes a fraudulent bill: The Hector [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 287. 2. A bill of lading indicates that the goods have been loaded on board or shipped on a named vessel: Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993) art 23 (a)(ii). See also Bill of lading; On board bill of lading.
1. 承運人確認有關的貨品已為運輸的目的裝載在船舶上的提單:《海牙-維斯比規則》第3條第7條規則。 已加蓋「清潔裝運」文字的提單是已裝運提單: Panchaud Freres S A v Et General Grain Co [1969] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 109。 如提單的註明日期在完成裝貨之前,則有關的提單會是有欺詐成份的提單:The Hector [1998] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 287。 2. 顯示已裝載貨品或將貨品裝上指定的船舶上的提單:1993年跟單信用證統一慣例與實務第23 (a)(ii)條。 另見 Bill of lading; On board bill of lading。




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