

单词 Contempt by publication
释义 藉發布的藐視法庭行為
1. The publication of material which may interfere, or tends to interfere, with pending or on-going civil or criminal proceedings. If the publication constitutes interference such as to render impracticable the administration of justice or to frustrate the attainment of justice, it will be deemed a contempt of court: Scott v Scott [1913] AC 417, [1911-13] All ER Rep 1 (HL); Grand Union Insurance Co Ltd v Clyde & Co [1988] HKC 464 (HC). 2. Extensive statutory prohibitions exist for assessing what material can be published without being deemed contempt, the publication or broadcasting of committal proceedings is restricted to certain specified details (eg identification of the parties, their counsel and the magistrate, etc): Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 87A. There are restrictions on the reporting of bail applications and upon the complainant in a sexual offence: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 9P, Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) ss 156, 157. Statutory restrictions and prohibition exist in relation to the publication or broadcasting of matrimonial proceedings, coroners’ hearings, wardship and mental health matters and referrals to the Secretary for Justice for a decision whether or not to proceed with a particular prosecution. See also Contempt of court; Criminal contempt.
1. 發布可能幹預或傾向於幹預待決或進行中的民事或刑事法律程序的資料。若該發布構成例如令執行司法工作不切實可行的幹預、或令公正無法達到的幹預,便會當作藐視法庭:Scott v Scott [1913] AC 417, [1911-13] All ER Rep 1(上議院); Grand Union Insurance Co Ltd v Clyde & Co [1988] HKC 464(高等法院)。 2.現有廣泛的法定禁止條款,評定發布哪些資料不會當作藐視行為;就交付審判程序的發布或廣播,僅局限於某些指明的詳情(例如:案中各方的身分、他們的代表律師和裁判官等):《裁判官條例》(第227章)第87A條。保釋申請和就性罪行的投訴人的報導是受限制的:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第9P條;《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第156及157條。婚姻法律程序、死因裁判法庭研訊、監護和精神健康事宜、和就是否繼續進行某一檢控轉介律政司作出決定的發布或廣播,亦有法定的限制和禁止。另見 Contempt of court; Criminal contempt。




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