

单词 Transit visa
释义 過境簽證

A permission given to a person to land in Hong Kong, subject to the condition of stay that he shall not remain in Hong Kong after the departure of the ship on which he arrived in Hong Kong: Immigration Regulations (Cap 115A) r 2. Unless so exempted, visitors require a visa unless in direct transit by air and provided that the person does not leave the airport transit area. However, certain nationals are required to hold a visa for any purpose, including those who are in transit and remain on the airside. These include nationals of Angola, Iraq and Sierra Leone: Annual Report of the Immigration Department 1997/98. See also Visa.
指給予某人在香港入境的准許,須受一逗留條件規限,即該人不得在載其抵達香港的船隻離開後仍然留在香港:《入境規例》(第115A章)第2條。除在獲豁免的情形、及乘搭飛機直接過境並且不會離開機場過境區的人外,訪客一般須申請簽證。但若干國籍人士須為若干目的持有簽證,包括正在過境及在機場限制區的人。這包括屬於安哥拉、伊拉克及塞拉利昂國藉的人士:1997/98年度入境署年報。另見 Visa。





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