

单词 Donee
释义 受贈人
1.The recipient of something given or bestowed, such as a gift. The gift may be tangible real or personal property, or an interest under a trust. 2. A person to whom a power is given; for example, the donee of a power of attorney or the donee of a power of appointment. See also Donor; Gift; Power of appointment; Power of attorney.
Succession - A person who receives a gift, by will, inter vivos or otherwise. Also includes a person to whom a power of appointment is granted. Donee is the person to whom or for whose benefit the disposition was made: Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Ordinance (Cap 481) s 12(2)(b). Where a disposition is made to a person as a trustee, ‘donee’ includes the trustee or trustees for the time being of the trust in question: s 15(3). In order to be a donee under a will, a person must be so named or described that his identity can be established with certainty; otherwise the gift is void: Lord Cheyney’s Case (1591) 5 Co Rep 68a. See also Power of appointment.
1.指獲給予或贈與某物(例如饋贈)的收受人。饋贈可以是有形的土地財產或非土地財產,或信託下的某項權益。  2. 指獲給予某項權力的人;例如授權書的受贈人或某項指定受益的權力的受贈人。另見 Donor; Gift; Power of appointment; Power of attorney。
繼承 -   指憑藉遺囑的方式(不論是否屬生者之間的饋贈)收取饋贈的人。亦包括授予某項指定受益的權力的人。受贈人指獲某項產權處置對其作出或為其利益作出的人:《財產繼承(供養遺屬及受養人)條例》(第481章)第12(2)(b)條。凡有人向身為受託人的人作出產權處置,則「受贈人」包括提述有關的信託當其時的受託人:第15(3)條。必須可確定有關人士的名字或描述其身份才可確立該人成為有關遺囑下的受贈人,否則該饋贈會無效:Lord Cheyney’s Case (1591) 5 Co Rep 68a。另見 Power of appointment。n.




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