

单词 Trustee corporation
释义 信託法團

A corporate body holding personal property and land. A corporation appointed by the court in any particular case to be a trustee (if authorised by its constitution to act as trustee): Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 2; Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap 10) s 2. In relation to securities, any other corporation that carries on a business of a nature similar to that of a registered trust corporation, and is regulated under the law of any place outside Hong Kong: Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) Rules (Cap 571D) s 2. A trust corporation may act as an executor of a will (Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 82); apply for probate or administration (s 83). A trust corporation may be appointed in the same manner as if it were a private individual, provided that no trust corporation shall be appointed in any case in which the instrument creating the trust, or the power authorising the appointment, forbids the appointment of a corporation: s 85. A trust corporation, acting in a fiduciary capacity, shall be capable of acquiring and holding any property in joint tenancy in the same manner as if it were a private individual: s 86. Also known as ‘trust company’. See also Corporate trustee.
持有動產及土地的法人團體。指法院在某個案中委任為受託人的法團(如法團的章程准許其作為受託人者):《受託人條例》(第29章)第2條;《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》(第10章)第2條。就證券而言,指所經營的業務的性質與註冊的的信託公司所經營的業務的性質相似;並根據香港以外地方的法律受規管的其他法團:《證券及期貨(專業投資者)規則(第571D章)第2條。信託公司可出任遺囑執行人(《受託人條例》(第29章)第82條);申請遺囑認證或遺產管理(第83條)。任何信託公司均可以同樣方式獲委任,猶如該公司是個人一樣︰但在任何個案中,如設立信託的文書或授權作出該項委任的權力禁止委任公司,則不得委任任何信託公司:第85條。以受信人身分行事的任何信託公司,有能力以同樣的聯權共有方式獲取及持有財產,猶如該公司是個人一樣:第86條。另見 Corporate trustee。





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