

单词 Trustee de son tort
释义 擅自處理他人信託的人

OF - trustee by one’s own wrong. A person who is not a trustee and has no authority from a trustee, but whom the law saddles with trustee obligation because he or she voluntarily meddles with trust property or does acts characteristic of the office of trustee: Mara v Browne [1896] 1 Ch 199 (CA). The terminology is adopted by analogy with ‘executor de son tort’ in the law regarding the administration of estates. A trustee de son tort is a type of constructive trustee: Carl Zeiss Stiftung v Herbert Smith & Co (No 2) [1969] 2 Ch 276, 2 All ER 367 (CA). In their relations with the beneficiaries they are treated in every respect as if they have been duly appointed and are fully subject to fiduciary obligations. Liability for a breach of trust extends to a trustee de son tort: Wassell v Leggatt [1896] 1 Ch 554. See also Constructive trustee; De son tort; Trustee.
古法語 – 透過某人本身的過失而成為受託人。既不是受託人,亦沒有來自受託人權限的人,但法律會加諸該人受託人的責任,因為他/她自願干預有關的信託財產或確實以受託人的職權的特性行事:Mara v Browne [1896] 1 Ch 199(芵國上訴法院)。此用語藉類推方法採用(參照遺產管理法的「擅自處理他人遺產的人」)。擅自處理他人信託的人是其中一種法律構定的受託人:Carl Zeiss Stiftung v Herbert Smith & Co (No 2) [1969] 2 Ch 276, 2 All ER 367 (芵國上訴法院)。就他們與有關受益人的關係而言,他們在每一方面均被視為猶如已被妥為委任,及全面受制於受信責任。違反信託的法律責任引申而適用於擅自處理他人信託的人:Wassell v Leggatt [1896] 1 Ch 554。另見 Constructive trustee; De son tort; Trustee。





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