

单词 Building management committee
释义 建築物管理委員會
A committee appointed under the Building Management Ordinance (Cap 344) by the owners of the building to manage the building. A management committee may be appointed (a) in accordance with the deed of mutual covenant, if the deed provides for the appointment of a management committee; or if there is no deed of mutual covenant, or the deed contains no provision for the appointment of a management committee, by a resolution of the owners of not less than 30% of the shares: Building Management Ordinance (Cap 344) s 3. The Authority (Secretary for Home Affairs) may, upon application by the owners of not less than 20% of the shares, order that a meeting of owners shall be convened, by such owner as the Authority may direct, to appoint a management committee: s 3A. The meeting of owners convened under s 3A may, by a resolution passed by a majority of the votes of the owners voting either personally or by proxy, appoint a management committee. The Lands Tribunal may, upon application by (a) the owners of not less than 10% of the shares; or (b) the Authority or an authorised officer, order that a meeting of owners shall be convened, by such owner as the tribunal may direct, to appoint a management committee: s 4. A management committee appointed shall within 28 days of such appointment apply to the Land Registrar for the registration of the owners as a corporation: s 7(1). The corporation shall (a) maintain the common parts and the property of the corporation in a state of good and serviceable repair and clean condition; (b) carry out such work as may be ordered or required in respect of the common parts by any public officer or public body in exercise of the powers conferred by any Ordinance; (c) do all things reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the obligations contained in the deed of mutual covenant (if any) for the control, management and administration of the building: s 18(1). See also Building owner.
由有關建築物的業主根據《建築物管理條例》(第344章)委任以管理該建築物的委員會。可按以下方法委任管理委員會(a)如公契有委任管理委員會的規定,按照公契規定委任;或(b) 如無公契,或公契並無委任管理委員會的規定,由合計擁有份數不少於30%的業主決議委任《建築物管理條例》(第344章)第3條。主管當局(民政事務局局長)可在擁有份數不少於20%的業主申請下,命令由主管當局所指定的業主召開業主會議,以委任管理委員會:第3A條。根據第3A條召開的業主會議可藉業主(親自或由代表投票)大多數票通過的決議以委任管理委員會。審裁處可在(a) 擁有份數不少於10%的業主申請下;或(b)主管當局或獲授權人員申請下,命令由審裁處所指定的業主召開業主會議,以委任管理委員會:第4條。委任的管理委員會,須在獲委任後28天內向土地註冊處處長申請將各業主註冊成為法團:第7(1)條。法團須(a) 使公用部分和法團財產維持良好合用的狀況,並保持清潔;(b) 在公職人員或公共機構行使任何條例所賦權力,命令或要求就公用部分進行某項工作時,遵照辦理;(c) 採取一切合理必需的措施,以執行公契 (如有的話)載明有關建築物的控制、管理、行政事宜的責任 :第18 (1) 條。另見 Building owner。




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