

单词 Tutor
释义 導師

Lat – guardian. 1. A teacher, for example, a tutor at university who conducts tutorials, or a private tutor who teaches at the pupil’s residence or at a tutorial centre. 2. A classification of teachers. Teachers shall be classified as senior lecturers, lecturers, assistant lecturers, tutors and demonstrators: Post Secondary Colleges Regulations (Cap 320A) reg 2. In relation to a tutor’s authority, the parent who causes his child to attend school is presumed to give to the child’s class teacher or tutor the authority to administer punishment which is moderate and reasonable (excluding corporal punishment), which is not dictated by any bad motive, is such as is usual in the school, and such as the parent might expect that the child would receive if the child did wrong. Even if a parent put one child under the personal supervision of a tutor for that child alone, he must expect, unless he specially restrains the tutor, that the tutor will on some occasions administer some form of personal correction to the child; and the matter is a fortiori when there is a large class, in which example has to be considered and discipline for a number of children has to be preserved: Mansell v Griffin [1908] 1 KB 160. See also Education.
拉丁語 – 監護人。  1. 指教師,例如大學導修課的導師、或在學生居所或補習中心教書的私人導師。  2.指其中一類教師。教師須分為高級講師、講師、助理講師、導師及助教:《專上學院規例》(第320A章)第2條規例。就紀律而言,推定讓其子女上學的父母給予校長及有關子女的班主任或導師進行適度及合理處罰(體罰除外)的權限,但並非基於任何不良動機而下令處罰,而是基於學校的慣常做法,並因而有關的父母可預期如其子女作出錯誤作為,則會受到處罰。即使如父母讓其子女單獨地受某導師的個人監管,除非有關父母特別地限制該導師,否則該父母必須預期有關的導師會在苦干情況下,對其子女進行若干個人模式的懲罰;在教導學生人數較多的情況時,此情況更不用說,因為須藉懲罰確立範例,及維持學生的秩序:Mansell v Griffin [1908] 1 KB 160, 98 LT 51。另見 Education。n.





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