

单词 Building contract
释义 建築合約
A contract in which one person (the contractor) agrees to perform building or engineering works for another (the proprietor or employer). In modern building contracts, there are many different types of delivery systems, involving arrangements with subcontractors and suppliers. A building contract is often formed by a tender process; its terms are usually contained in a number of documents, including the formal instrument of agreement, conditions of contract, specifications, drawings, schedule of rates, and the bill of quantities. Building contracts have attributes of contracts for the supply of goods and of contracts for services. They are therefore contracts for work and materials. A building contract has been defined as ‘an entire contract for the sale of goods and work and labour for a lump sum payable by instalments as the goods are delivered and the work is done’: Gilbert-Ash (Northern) Ltd v Modern Engineering (Bristol) Ltd [1973] 3 All ER 195, 1 Build LR 73, [1974] AC 689 (HL). A building contract may comprise the agreement itself, the conditions, the drawings, the specifications, a bill or bills of quantities, schedules of rates or prices for the valuation of the works, a programme or method statement for the order or manner in which the works may or will be carried out. See also Bill of quantities; BOT contract; Delivery system; Subcontract; Supplier; Tender.
一人(承辦商)同意為他人(所有人或僱主)履行建築或工程工作的合約。現代的建築合約有很多不同種類涉及與次承建商和供應商安排的交付制度。通常憑藉投標程序成立建築合約;而合約的條款通常分載於多份文件中,包括正式協議法律文件、合約條款、規格、建築圖則、建築費用附表及建築工料清單。建築合約有供應貨物合約和服務合約的屬性。因此,建築合約是建造工程和物料合約。建築合約已被界定為「售賣貨物、工程及勞動力的整體合約,目的在於在交付貨物及完成工程時,獲取藉分期應繳的一整筆款額」:Gilbert Ash (Northern) Ltd v Modern Engineering (Bristol) Ltd[1973] 3 All ER 195, 1 Build LR 73, [1974] AC 689 (上議院)。建築合約可包括本身的協議,條款,圖則,規格,建築工料清單,有關工程費用或價格估值表,及有關工程可以或將會進行的次序或方式的程序或方法說明書。另見 Bill of quantities; BOT contract; Delivery system; Subcontract; Supplier; Tender。




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