

单词 Pathfinder prospectus
释义 探路者招股章程
A prospectus that is incomplete and which is circulated to obtain responses regarding the information which is omitted, an example being a prospectus without a price to ascertain what people are willing to pay. A pathfinder prospectus is only circulated to underwriters and brokers but not offered to the public. See also Prospectus.
資料不完備而僅供預覽的招股章程,藉以探取市場對略去的資料有何反應,例如利用沒有列出價格的招股章程以探知市場願意支付的價格。探路者招股章程僅供承銷商及經紀預覽,並不發給公眾人士。另見 Prospectus。




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