

单词 Power of sale
释义 出售權
The most commonly used remedy of the mortgagee. It is a power to sell property which is held as security when there is a default in the terms of repayment. A valid exercise of the power results in the assignment of the legal estate to bona fide purchaser free of the equity of redemption, but the sale does not extinguish the personal covenant to pay if there are insufficient funds resulting from the sale: Sihombing & Wilkinson, A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (2nd Ed) ch 13, p 796. In Hong Kong, in any legal charge or equitable mortgage made after 1 November 1984, a power of sale is conferred by statute: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) ss 51, 53(1). The power of sale is also subject to the terms in the Fourth Schedule of the Ordinance, if they have not been amended or excluded by the parties: Lam Ying Bor Investment Co Ltd & Anor v Dao Heng Bank Ltd [1987] 3 HKC 103. The power is not exercisable until either (1) notice requiring payment of the mortgage money has been served on the mortgagor, or on one of the several mortgagors, and default has been made in payment of the mortgage money or part of it for one month after such service; or (2) interest under the mortgage is in arrear and unpaid for one month after becoming due; or (3) there has been a breach of provision, express or under the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance, of the mortgage other than a covenant for payment of the mortgage money and interest: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) sch 4 para 11. These restrictions may be negatived or varied: s 51(4). See also Mortgagee.
承按人最普遍使用的補救。當有欠繳償還時﹐可出售持有作為抵押物業的權利。有效地行使此權結果會使給真誠買家的法律物業轉讓免受衡平法贖回﹐但如從出售不能獲得足夠的基金﹐ 出售並不會抵消個人的繳付契諾 ﹕Sihombing & Wilkinson, A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (第二版) 第 13章, 第 796頁。在香港﹐在任可於1984年11月1 日之後制訂的法律押記或衡平法上的按揭﹐出售權由法規授予 ﹕《物業轉易及產業條例》(第219章) 第51 ﹐53(1)條。出售權也需符合條例第四表的期限 ﹐如期限未被修訂或由當事人豁免﹕Dao Heng Bank Ltd v Lam Ying Bor Investment Co Ltd [1987] 3 HKC 103 出售權不可行使直至 (1) 要求支付按揭金的通知已送交按揭人﹐或眾多按揭人中的其中一人﹐ 並在送交通知後一個月已支付抵押金或部份抵押金的欠款 ﹔或(2) 抵押下的權益被拖欠及在到期後一個月還未繳付﹔或 (3) 除繳付抵押金和權益的契約外﹐曾有違反抵押文件﹐不論是明示或根據《物業轉易及產業條例》 ﹕《物業轉易及產業條例》(第219章) 第4表﹐第 11段 。此限制或被免除或變改﹕第51(4) 條。另見 Mortgagee。




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