

单词 Ship
释义 船/船隻/船舶
1. A floating vessel which is self propelled and capable of carrying cargo or passengers. The statutory definitions of ‘ship’ vary to meet the different purposes of the legislation. 2. Every description of vessel used in navigation not exclusively propelled by oars: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. 3. Any vessel used for the carriage of goods by sea: Hague-Visby Rules art 1(d). Accordingly, a ship, which is not designed for the carriage of goods, is regarded as a ship if it is used to carry goods or goods and passengers. 4. Every description of vessel capable of navigating in water not propelled by oars, and it includes any ship, boat or craft and an air-cushion vehicle or similar craft used wholly or partly in navigation in water: Merchant Shipping (Registration) Ordinance (Cap 415) s 2. See also Barge; Fishing vessel; Navigation; Registration; Salving vessel; Shipowner; Shipping; Unregistered ship; Vessel.
  1. 可自行推進的浮動船隻,及可運載貨品或乘客。「船舶」的法定定義按照法例的不同宗旨而不同。 2. 包括各類非全靠槳力推進而用於航行的船隻:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條。 3. 任何用以在海上運載貨品的船隻:《海牙-維斯比規則》第1(d)條。按照有關的規則,如以非為運載貨品而設計的船隻運載貨品或運載貨品及人,則可視該船隻為船隻。 4. 指各類並非靠槳力推進而能在水上航行的船隻,包括任何船舶、船艇或航行器,以及完全或部分用於在水上航行的氣墊船或相類似的航行器:《商船(註冊)條例》(第415章)第2條。另見 Barge; Fishing vessel; Navigation; Registration; Salving vessel; Shipowner; Shipping; Unregistered ship; Vessel。n.




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