

单词 Contempt in the face of the court
释义 對法庭的藐視
1. A direct act of contempt during the court’s proceedings (by language, violence or unruly behaviour) as distinct from indirect or constructive contempt (failure to obey an order of the court or to carry out some action or undertaking). 2. Words or acts which impede or obstruct the due administration of justice, or are perceived to create a substantial risk that the course of justice will be so impaired or prejudiced. Any person who without just excuse disobeys a witness order or witness summons requiring him to attend before a court, or refuses to be sworn or to give evidence when duly required to do so, whether or not he is the subject of a witness order or a witness summons, shall be guilty of a contempt of that court which shall be punishable by that court summarily as a contempt committed in the face of the court: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 36(1). Where any juror, having been duly served with a summons being present, does not appear when called, or after appearance, withdraws himself without the permission of the judge, shall be punishable as a criminal contempt of court committed in the face of the court: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 32(3). At common law, the courts have the inherent power to fine and imprison for a contempt committed in the face of the court. See also Contempt of court; Criminal contempt.
1.  在法院所進行的法律過程中所表現的直接藐視法庭行為,而這種行為可以是話語,可以是暴力行為,也可以是粗野不守秩序的行為。這種直接藐視法庭行為亦有別於間接的或構定的藐視法庭行為(例如: 不服從法庭所頒下的命令,或拒作出某行動,又或沒有履行承諾)。 2.阻礙或妨礙司法公正妥善執行的話語或行為;又或令人感到會造成司法公正受妨害或損害這個實質危險的話語或行為。任何人拒絕服從法庭所頒下要他出庭作證的證人命令或證人傳票,又或在法庭上當正式被要求作證前宣誓時拒絕宣誓,又或被要求到證人席作證時拒絕作證,如果他沒有合理理由解釋為什麼拒絕這樣做時,則不論他是不是證人命令或證人傳票上所指的人,他也是犯了藐視該法庭的罪名,並得由該法庭就他對法庭所犯的藐視行為,循簡易程序予以懲處:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第36(1)條。如任何已獲妥為送達傳票的陪審員缺席;或雖己到場,但在傳喚時沒有出庭; 或於出庭後,未經法官准許而退席,均得視為干犯對該法庭藐視的刑事藐視法庭罪:《陪審團條例》(第3章)第32(3)條。根據普通法,法院賦有固有權力,將任何對該法庭藐視有罪的人,判罰款及監禁. 另見 Contempt of court; Criminal contempt。




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