

单词 Contentious business
释义 爭訟事務
 1. Legal work of a litigious nature, as opposed to mechanical or clerical work not requiring technical or professional legal skills. Legislation may provide that certain contentious business be performed for reward or money only by qualified legal practitioners or bona fide clerk under the supervision of qualified solicitors: Legal Practitioner Ordinance (Cap 159) s 47. Whether business was contentious or non-contentious must be determined by its nature and not solely by the questions whether litigious proceedings had been commenced and the business had been done in those proceedings; the true test was whether, if the case went to trial, remuneration for the business would be allowed on a party and party taxation in the proceedings: Re A Solicitor [1955] 2 All ER 283. 2. In succession, contested probate or administrative actions, as opposed to grants of probate or administration which are made upon the affidavit of the applicant without formal hearings. Contentious business includes actions as to the validity of a will, actions between two or more applicants for the right to take a grant of representation, and actions for revocation of grants. Applications for probate or administration are governed differently depending on whether the proceedings are contentious or non-contentious: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 76. Also known as ‘contentious proceedings’.
1. 可提起訴訟的法律工作,相對於不需要技術上或專業上法律技能的機械性的或文書的工作。法例可規定若干爭訟事務須由合資格法律執業者或在真誠受僱用中行事時並在一名合資格人士的督導下的不合資格人士,為收取報酬或金錢而執行:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第47條。某事務是否可提起訴訟的,必須按其性質而決定,而非單憑可提起訴訟的法律程序有否展開;真正的驗證為:若案件進行審判,則是否准許在該法律程序中按訴訟各方對評基準就該事務收取報酬:Re A Solicitor [1955] 2 All ER 283。 2. 繼承法中,與授予遺囑認證及遺產管理相反的遺產認證爭訟或行政行動,前者沒有聆訊,而只基於申請人的誓章。爭訟事務包括遺囑有效性的訴訟、兩個或以上的申請人的授予承辦權訴訟、撤銷授予的訴訟。授予遺囑認證及遺產管理的申請,視乎法律程序是爭議性或非爭議性,受不同法規規限:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第76號命令。另稱「爭訟法律程序」。




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