

单词 Trust document
释义 信託文件
A document evidencing a trust and the property subject to it, and necessary for the efficient management of the trust. Where there is more than one trustee, one of them may keep the documents for safe keeping. Trust documents constitute a declaration of trust and should be registered: Li Sze Fat v Cheng Ka Leung Tommy [2000] 3 HKC 224. Trust documents include trust deeds, documents declaring a trust, and minutes of trustees’ meetings. The beneficiaries are entitled to be informed about matters currently affecting the trust. They have a proprietary interest in the trust documents and are entitled to inspect them: Re Londonderry’s Settlement [1965] Ch 918. See also Blind trust; Trust; Trust account; Trust instrument.
證明信託及受信託規限的財產的文件,並且是有效地管理信託所必需的文件。如有多於一名受託人,則其中一名受託人可安全保管有關的文件。信託文件構成信託聲明書,並須予以註冊:Li Sze Fat v Cheng Ka Leung Tommy [2000] 3 HKC 224。信託文件包括信託契據、作出信託聲明的文件及受託人的會議紀錄。受益人有權獲告知現正影響有關信託的事宜。他們在有關的信託文件上有所有人權益,並有權查閱:Re Londonderry’s Settlement [1965] Ch 918。另見 Blind trust; Trust; Trust account; Trust instrument。




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